Coba simak rangkaian kalimat suci di bawah ini :
Langit yang tujuh, bumi dan semua yang ada di dalamnya bertasbih kepada Allah. Tidak ada sesuatupun melainkan bertasbih dengan memujiNya tetapi kalian tidak akan mengerti tasbih mereka. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha Penyantun lagi Maha Pengampun (QS Isra:44).
Hampir saja langit itu pecah dari sebelah atasnya karena kebesaran Tuhan sementara para malaikat bertasbih serta memuji Tuhannya dan memohonkan ampunan bagi orang-orang yang ada di bumi (QS Asy-Syura : 5). Guruh itu bertasbih dengan memuji Allah. Demikian pula para malaikat karena merasa takut kepadaNya (QS Ar-Ra’d: 13).
Maha Suci Allah. Subhaanullah. Harus diakui hanya Dia Yang Maha Suci semua mahluk memujiNya. Semua mahluk akan tunduk kepada kehendakNya. Berbagai keindahan dan keajaiban penciptaan dari semua yang tampak pada mahluk-mahluk Allah merupakan tanda-tanda yang menjadi petunjuk atas kebesaran Allah. Coba simak dan perhatikan bagaimana keadaan bumi tempat kita menetap dan berpijak. Pikirkan pula semua yang dijadikan di dalamnya dan di atasnya yaitu gunung-gunung yang tinggi, lautan-lautan yang meluap yang mengelilinginya, sungai-sungai yang mengalir di atasnya, berjenis-jenis tumbuhan dan pepohonan, berjenis-jenis binatang bertebaran di atasnya.
Coba simak rangkaian kalimat berikutnya :Dan suatu tanda kekuasaan Allah yang besar bagi mereka adalah bumi yang mati. Kami hidupkan bumi itu dan Kami keluarkan daripadanya biji-biji-an maka dari padanya mereka makan. Dan kami jadikan padanya kebun-kebun kurma dan anggur dan Kami pancarkan padanya beberpa mata air. Supaya mereka dapat makan dari buahnya dan dari apa yang diusahakan dari tangan mereka. Maka mengapakah mereka tidak bersyukur? (QS Yaa siin 33-35).
Sudah selayaknya kita menjadi mahluk yang harus tahu diri terhadap kodratNya. Allah sangat pantas mendapat pujian dari hambaNya. Hanya rasa syukur kepada Allah yang membuat seorang hamba menjadi utuh dalam kefanaan dan dalam genggaman Keabadian Sang Khaliq.
Pasuruan, 22 Ramadhan 1429 H
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Energy Drink For Sport Enthusiast- Making You More Active
by: Low Jeremy
Energy drinks improve athletic performance.
Is this a false claim or a mere belief of sports enthusiasts and fanatics?
It was in the year 1965 when a group of medical specialists from the University of Florida discovered the pioneering sports drink. This was done in order to encourage their athletes to fight the burden of tiredness and turn it into the best possible athletic performance enhancer without using performance-enhancing drugs banned by the FDA and sports leagues.
Gatorade is one of the most commonly known sport drinks for the athlete that was developed by the said doctors. It is available in various colors and flavors that will really tempt your taste buds. However, it has been found out that the development of this energy drink somehow brings a frustrating effect in the health of the athletes.
Most of them became dependent with energy drinks. They are so much tempted with this flavored beverage while bringing the belief that it will increase their performance. It is said that as high as 90 percent of them prefer energy drink than water after a tiring activity. This is not good because it results to dehydration.
Water is a major component that the body of a person is comprised of. This is involved in several processes that take place in your system. It must be clear that an energy drink is not a natural alternative to water because of the ingredients that it contain. This is just a stimulant and will never replace the function of water in your system.
While the carbohydrate content of the energy drink for sports lover can aid in fuelling active muscles that will help prevent fatigue, the result is that it will boost an increasing effort for the players. This is the truth regarding the effect of energy drinks for many sports inclined people.
Sports drinks also contain supplements that are useful for replenishing fluids and nutrients utilized by the body after strenuous activities and sporting events. Some of the said drinks are pre-made liquids while the others can be made through own mixing.
Basically, there are three general classifications of sports drinks:
1. Isotonic Fluid
This is the best choice for majority of the athletes because it can sustain energy needs for middle and long distances running or in more tiring team sports. The electrolytes and carbohydrates content is about 6-8%.
2. Hypotonic Liquids
The level of carbohydrates ad electrolytes here are low. This is best for jockeys and gymnasts.
3. Hypertonic Fluids
As compared to the rest of the classifications of sports drink, it has the highest level of carbohydrate. This is appropriate for ultra distant events and can be used in complementary with the isotonic liquids.
The carbohydrate level and the electrolyte level of the body affect the speed of the fluid entering the body. Usually, if your body has a higher level of carbo there is a tendency that your stomach will seldom experience emptiness while the electrolyte promotes the absorption of fluid that will prevent dehydration.
In choosing an energy drink, you also need to consult your doctor or physician regarding the brand that will suit your needs. They can also recommend you the best type of dink that has the best flavor, taste and potency. Develop your skillfulness in sports while being aided by the quality energy drinks available for you.
About The Author
This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on energy drinks, please visit
by: Low Jeremy
Energy drinks improve athletic performance.
Is this a false claim or a mere belief of sports enthusiasts and fanatics?
It was in the year 1965 when a group of medical specialists from the University of Florida discovered the pioneering sports drink. This was done in order to encourage their athletes to fight the burden of tiredness and turn it into the best possible athletic performance enhancer without using performance-enhancing drugs banned by the FDA and sports leagues.
Gatorade is one of the most commonly known sport drinks for the athlete that was developed by the said doctors. It is available in various colors and flavors that will really tempt your taste buds. However, it has been found out that the development of this energy drink somehow brings a frustrating effect in the health of the athletes.
Most of them became dependent with energy drinks. They are so much tempted with this flavored beverage while bringing the belief that it will increase their performance. It is said that as high as 90 percent of them prefer energy drink than water after a tiring activity. This is not good because it results to dehydration.
Water is a major component that the body of a person is comprised of. This is involved in several processes that take place in your system. It must be clear that an energy drink is not a natural alternative to water because of the ingredients that it contain. This is just a stimulant and will never replace the function of water in your system.
While the carbohydrate content of the energy drink for sports lover can aid in fuelling active muscles that will help prevent fatigue, the result is that it will boost an increasing effort for the players. This is the truth regarding the effect of energy drinks for many sports inclined people.
Sports drinks also contain supplements that are useful for replenishing fluids and nutrients utilized by the body after strenuous activities and sporting events. Some of the said drinks are pre-made liquids while the others can be made through own mixing.
Basically, there are three general classifications of sports drinks:
1. Isotonic Fluid
This is the best choice for majority of the athletes because it can sustain energy needs for middle and long distances running or in more tiring team sports. The electrolytes and carbohydrates content is about 6-8%.
2. Hypotonic Liquids
The level of carbohydrates ad electrolytes here are low. This is best for jockeys and gymnasts.
3. Hypertonic Fluids
As compared to the rest of the classifications of sports drink, it has the highest level of carbohydrate. This is appropriate for ultra distant events and can be used in complementary with the isotonic liquids.
The carbohydrate level and the electrolyte level of the body affect the speed of the fluid entering the body. Usually, if your body has a higher level of carbo there is a tendency that your stomach will seldom experience emptiness while the electrolyte promotes the absorption of fluid that will prevent dehydration.
In choosing an energy drink, you also need to consult your doctor or physician regarding the brand that will suit your needs. They can also recommend you the best type of dink that has the best flavor, taste and potency. Develop your skillfulness in sports while being aided by the quality energy drinks available for you.
About The Author
This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on energy drinks, please visit
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