Saturday, November 8, 2008


“Tiada sesuatu ucapanpun yang diucapkannya melainkan ada didekatnya Malaikat pengurus yang selalu hadir.” (QS Qaaf : 18).

Ayat tersebut mengajak dan mengingatkan kita agar selalu mengevaluasi dan mengawasi amal ibadah kita kepada Al-Khaliq. Kita dapat mengamalkan amalan batin seperti berniat dan muraqobah (merasa selalu diawasi oleh ALLAH). Untuk amal-amal lahir kita amalkan seperti berkata baik dan beraktivitas hanya untuk ridho ALLAH. Kita harus meneliti setiap kalimat dan menimbangnya dengan cermat karena ALLAH akan menanyakannya kepada kita. Timbangan ini harus selalu hadir dalam diri kita. Jika muraqobah sudah hilang dari diri seorang muslim maka kendali ahlak akan goyah dan hal ini sangat mencemaskan bagi kepribadian seoran muslim dan terancam berbagai penyakit batin yang mengerikan. Salah satu contoh penyakit batin yang sangat berbahaya adalah ujub (bangga terhadap diri sendiri), iri dan dengki. Sedangkan penyakit-penyakit lahir adalah takabur (sombong), ghibah (suka bergunjing, bergosip) dan naminah (adu domba). Oleh karena itu Al-Faruq-UMAR bin KHATAB selalu mengingatkan kita : “Hisablah diri sendiri sebelum dihisab ALLAH.” Ibnul Qayyim telah mengisyaratkan tentang hal ini. Dia berkata : “Muraqobah adalah buah ilmu seorang hamba ALLAH yang meyakini bahwa Al-Khaliq selalu mengawasinya, melihatnya dan mendengarkan perkataannya. Allah mengetahui amalnya setiap waktu dan setiap saat, setiap jiwa dan setiap kedipan mata”. Simak firmanNya : “Dan adalah Allah Maha Mengawasi segala sesuatu” (QS Al-Ahzab : 52). Hal tersebut akan membuat seorang muslim akan selalu mengasah dan mendidik dirinya selalu kepada kebaikan.
Muraqobah memiliki tanda-tanda yaitu mendahulukan wahyu ALLAH, mengagungkan apa-apa yang diagungkan oleh ALLAH dan memandang remeh apa yang dipandang remeh oleh ALLAH. Muraqobah kepada ALLAH secara rahasia mempunyai pengaruh-pengaruh yang ALLAH anugerahkan kepada hamba-hambaNya. Barangsiapa muraqabah kepada ALLAH dalam dirinya niscaya ALLAH akan menjaganya dalam aktivitas lahir maupun batin.
Dengan muraqabah kepada ALLAH seorang muslim akan terjaga nuraninya karena ALLAH muraqobah kepadanya. Juga seorang muslim dengan muraqobah kepada ALLAH akan tertata jiwa dan membuang noda-noda yang mengotorinya, mengantar kepada jalan yang memiliki tujuan yang luhur dan terangkatnya derajat bashirah (ilmu).
Ibnu Sirin, seorang tabiin berkata :” Barangsiapa yang ALLAH menginginkan kebaikan untuknya, niscaya ALLAH meletakkan pemberi nasihat di dalam hatinya yang memerintah dan melarang”.
Mari kita tingkatkan dan hidupkan sikap muraqabah dalam jiwa dan pikiran kita karena pada saat itu hubungan kita dengan ALLAH akan meningkat. Pada saat itu pula kita akan berjalan kepada ketaatan dan mendekatkan kita kepada SurgaNya yang penuh dengan kenikmatan melalui ridhaNya.

Pasuruan, 8 November 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ten Ways To Re-motivate Yourself

The past few weeks have been sort of unproductive for me, mostly because of certain distractions that for the most part were beyond my control (scheduling problems, personal things that needed attention, the usual). Now I look back and say “how could let myself do this?” I feel as if I accomplished very little, and it’s time to buckle down again, put nose to the grindstone, and get some serious work done! But, how do I do it?

What I need is a way to get “super-motivated”, so I came up with a list of ways to really pile on the motivation. I came up with 10 pretty good ones, most of which I already was utilizing at least some of the time. Let me know if you have some more, I’m always trying to extend this list!

#1 – Change your routine - wake up earlier and be more productive. I usually try to get up at least one hour before l must leave for work, in order to do some quick exercises, go over my plan for the day, and make sure I’m ready to rock n’ roll first thing. I like to change this routine occasionally, so I don’t get in a rut. Even making an extra 20-25 minutes to prepare can leave you in a better mood to start the day.

#2 – Listen to motivational audio on the way to work. Or, if you work at home as I do sometimes, listen as you get ready to work. There are many motivational CD recordings out there, I use ones from Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins, or Bob Proctor, but there are many good ones out there.

#3 – List to inspirational music! I don’t know about you, but nothing gets my blood pumping faster than great music that I love, such as some good Eric Clapton, Green Day, or other hard rock. But anything you have an emotional connection with will work, it’s like magic to pick up your mood.

#4 – Utilize self-talk or affirmations. I do a whole list of affirmations in the mornings, and usually at night as well. But any kind of positive self-talk can really motivate you if used correctly, it’s what you say to yourself that makes the difference.

#5 – Stay away from negative people. This may sound kind of cruel or unkind, but hey, let’s be honest. If you any friends that are really bringing you down, you must either let them know about it and hope they change, or stay away. Life is too short to hang around negative people, and don’t’ think it won’t affect you because eventually it will!

#6 – Take a positive action. Think about what you have been meaning to start, or stop recently. Something you have been putting off, maybe? Take that trip to the gym, start that new diet, finish that book you started 6 months ago, anything really. Just taking a positive direction towards something makes you feel more in control of things, which boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem.

#7 – Start an exercise routine. Ok, I kind of covered this in the last point but it’s really important. This is critical to your physical and mental health, exercise is not an option it is a mandate. If you exercise regularly you will automatically add many years to your life and improve your outlook on life.

#8 – Try zero-based thinking. This is a simple but powerful concept to change your thought process. Is there anything in your life that you would stop doing, looking at the big picture? If you had to go back and do it again, would you? This can apply to a business, a hobby, a girlfriend/boyfriend, a choice you made on something that takes your time and energy. If you wouldn’t do it again, stop doing it now!

#9 – Reevaluate your schedule. Take a serious look at every little thing you do every day for a week. Are you wasting a significant amount of time doing something of little value? Either eliminate if from your life, or drastically cut down on this task or habit. Sometimes just rearranging your schedule can save you time as well, such as doing a “high-value” task early in the day while you’re wide awake and full of energy instead of after lunch when you’re tired.

#10 – Reward yourself. Sometimes it really helps to reward yourself after making a great effort. Why? Because psychologically a reward gives us a boost of pleasure after something that takes extra effort, which will encourage us to do it again. Sounds like “psyching” yourself out, right? Yes, you can fool yourself, although don’t take it to extremes or you will be doing more rewarding than working on moving forward.

These are just a few suggestions, I’m sure you can get creative and think of more. In fact I would encourage it! The more you can get in the habit of boosting your motivation, the more you will accomplish. In turn, you will boost your confidence in reaching the goals you have set for yourself and move faster and farther than you ever thought possible!

To your continued success and happiness!

By: Doug Hart

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Doug Hart, CHO of I've spent many years studying psychology, philosophy, NLP, and motivation. My particular focus is on the biggest question in life - what makes us happy? Join me and maybe together we can discover more about what makes you happier in life. I think it's more of a journey than a destination, and I would like to make your journey much more exhilarating, passionate, loving, and unforgettable! Take the time to visit us at and find out why "you are what you think about most", and how critical your success is to happiness!